International Campus

Of Science And Technology



ICST's Research & Innovation Centre promotes pioneering research, innovation, and interdisciplinary collaboration in diverse academic fields.

Its key objectives encompass:

Cultivating a culture of research excellence, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, nurturing innovation and entrepreneurial endeavors, and contributing to addressing societal challenges through research and development undertakings.

To facilitate these objectives, the Centre offers a range of resources and support services accessible to faculty, researchers, students, and industry partners. The overarching goal is to foster an inclusive environment conducive to collaborative,

Explore Our Academic Insights: Publications at ICST

ICST extends various forms of support, including research grants, assistance in acquiring external funding, and opportunities for partnerships with industry allies and other research institutions.Furthermore, the institution actively involves students in research activities through programs such as undergraduate research internships, graduate research assistantships, and student-led research projects.

ICST facilitates academia-industry collaborations, joint projects, and initiatives for technology transfer. Industry partners are encouraged to engage with researchers, tapping into their expertise to address specific challenges or explore innovative solutions.

In line with supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, the Centre provides resources for startup incubation, and mentorship programs, and aids in translating research outcomes into practical applications that contribute to economic and societal advancement.

Emphasizing the significance of collaboration, ICST actively promotes partnerships with external researchers, organizations, and institutions. Collaborative research projects, joint initiatives, and knowledge exchange programs are fostered to amplify the impact of research on a broader scale.


ICST offers a wide spectrum of publishing avenues catering to faculty and researchers, encompassing academic journals, conference proceedings, books, and partnerships with esteemed publishers. These opportunities span diverse fields, fostering the dissemination of research discoveries.

Faculty members and students are invited to submit their research manuscripts to academic journals affiliated with ICST.

Encouraging graduate students to publish their research findings is a priority at ICST. There are potential avenues for students to contribute to research projects led by faculty members and engage in the publication process.

ICST actively advocates for collaborative research and publication ventures with external institutions. The institution promotes joint projects and publications with external collaborators, fostering a comprehensive exchange of ideas and expertise.


ICST takes an active role in supporting faculty and researchers by facilitating their participation in conferences. Annually, ICST organizes research symposiums and conferences while also encouraging engagement in global conferences.

ICST has devised plans to host an array of conferences spanning diverse disciplines, aiming to unite scholars, researchers, industry experts, and students. These conferences encompass a wide spectrum of subjects, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and the exchange of knowledge.

In alignment with the university’s research priorities, ICST offers financial support or grants to assist in hosting conferences.

The institution encourages student involvement in ICST-hosted conferences, providing opportunities for networking with professionals in their respective fields.

Industry Dialogue

ICST extends a warm invitation to industry professionals, fostering collaboration to bridge the gap between academia and industry. This provides a platform for professionals to share insights, engage in research collaboration, and interact with the academic community.

The Industry Dialogue at ICST stands as an ongoing conversation, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and partnerships with diverse industries. Its goal is to address real-world challenges, spur innovation, and align academic programs with industry requisites.

ICST actively facilitates Industry Dialogue through various initiatives, including industry-academic partnerships, collaborative research endeavors, joint conferences, and workshops.

Encouraging student involvement in the Industry Dialogue is paramount at ICST. This involvement encompasses internships, industry-sponsored projects, and networking events that connect students with professionals in their respective fields.

Encouraging student involvement in the Industry Dialogue is paramount at ICST. This involvement encompasses internships, industry-sponsored projects, and networking events that connect students with professionals in their respective fields.

This engagement significantly enriches students’ education and enhances their readiness for careers by offering real-world insights, practical experiences, and exposure to industry trends.

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